All babies cry. Some babies cry a lot. As a parent you want to make your baby happy but sometimes even after feeding, changing, rocking and playing nothing seems to work.
Here are some things to try.
If you are breastfeeding let your baby suckle at the breast.
If you have a baby sling try putting your baby in it and hold them close against you as you move about gently. Try gentle rocking or dancing to soft music.
Rock your baby gently back and forth in their pram or buggy. Try going out for a walk or drive. A lot of babies fall asleep in cars or while on a walk and if they wake as soon as you get home at least you've had a respite from the crying.
Find something new to look at or listen to. Cot mobiles, the radio, a stroll around the garden or park.
Some babies suck their thumbs or like a dummy. When a little older they may have a particular toy or blanket they like to suck or cuddle. Choose something washable and have a duplicate that you can alternate.
Stroke your baby firmly and rhythmically while holding them close to you. Baby massage may help. We will be offering courses for parents soon in baby massage. Talk to Ruth if you are interested.
If your baby likes a bath, this may help soothe them.
Put your baby down after a feed and leave the room for a few minutes. Sometimes a baby can be overstimulated.
Remember - this difficult time won't last forever.
Never be tempted to shake your baby to make them stop.
Contact us if you feel as if you are struggling.
There are some organisations which can help if the problem is prolonged. Check out the links in the sidebar or ask us.
If your babies cry is high pitched, or your baby has a temperature or appears in any way unwell contact your GP for advice.
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